URSB Company Registration

Do you want to register a business, company or an organization today?

Abacus Marketing Agency offers supports to local/foreign investments through company formation and NGO registration.

Our Service Includes

1. Registration

Registration of entities and businesses in Uganda requires compliance with all the relevant authorities.

With those organizational compliance procedures: Abacus liaises with all the necessary
authorities on your behalf and assists in obtaining:

  • Registration of the entity in Uganda.
  • Tax Registration and Clearance.
  • Company Investment License.
  • Letter of no objection to trade.
  • Securing of the Trade License.
  • NGO Clearance.
  • Registration with National Social Security Fund.
  • Opening of a company bank account.

2. Banking

Our service includes helping your newly registered company navigate important localized financial matters like opening and maintaining accounts and wiring funds for business transactions. Advice on banking options, signatories/representatives of the account

Our service includes helping your newly registered company navigate important localized financial matters like opening and maintaning accounts and wiring funds for business transactions. Advice on banking operations, signatories/representatives of the account.

2. Banking

3. Office Space

• Identifying the best office facility location for your organization.
• Settle-in support and preparation of the facility

4. Work Permits/Business Visa

Let us secure your business visa/work permit for you and your employees.

Let us secure your business visa/work permit for you and your employees.

4. Business Visa/Work Permit

We Offer Our Valued Clients a High Quality and Affordable Packages